Fraunhofer Photonica is a summer school and research trip aimed at students enrolled in a suitable Master's study program. However, students who are about to finish their Bachelor’s degree and students who recently graduated from a Master's level study program are also welcome. The focus is on students who are currently not working and have not worked for one of the Fraunhofer ”Light and Surfaces” institutes yet. If in doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us!
If you are interested in participating, the first step is to fill out the application form. You will then be asked to send your CV and a scan of your latest degree (if you are currently not enrolled) or transcript of records (if you are currently enrolled). Please prepare these documents before applying. The application deadline is 15.05.2024. We would like to specifically encourage applications from female students and students with a diverse background. A limited number of participants will be chosen from the applicants.